A Beautiful Young Man

“OG Anunoby”: graphite, art journal

I’m a fan of the Toronto Raptors (NBA basketball team), and especially of OG Anunoby. Not only is he a great player, but he’s also a real character, and I find his face to be so classically beautiful. I have long been meaning to draw his portrait.

The Raptors played last night against their former coach, Dwayne Casey, and his new team, the Detroit Pistons. (The Raptors lost, yet again; they’re having a dismal season.) In an interview before the game, Casey said of OG, “He’s such a beautiful young man.” I don’t think he was referring to his looks, but the comment nonetheless prompted me to finally get around to this drawing.

This is a departure from the Sketchbook Revival workshop, but I will give it credit for reminding me how much I enjoy rendering values in pencil.